Meet Mason our beautiful cavapoo puppy. Notice his thick wavy fur coat. He will be vet checked and microchipped. He is up to date on vaccinations and deworming. He comes with a 1 year genetic health guarantee. His mother Macy is a friendly cavapoo. His father Max is a mini poodle. He comes with health and shot records. This little guy is very well socialized and loves romping around with our children. He is so irresistibly cute and cuddly you can't help but give him lots of attention. We strive to raise happy healthy puppies for good loving homes. A small bag of food will be sent along to his new home so you can transition slowly to food of your choice. You are welcome to come to our home to pick him up or if you live at a distance we have a reliable trustworthy pet delivery service available. A $300 nonrefundable deposit is needed to reserve him. No Sunday sales.